Garden Bird Photography in Lockdown
Basic set up for garden bird photography during coronavirus enforced lockdown. Construction of a reflection pool from a car boot tray.
The Trials of a Would-be Nature Photographer
The trials and tribulations of trying to photograph garden birds from a portable hide!
Spring Birds
I was able to spend a few hours in a bird hide at Pikelow recently. This is a great way to observe bird behaviour and get away from it all for a few hours. We had a fine day with short spells of sunlight, making for some pleasing light on the birds at times. The owner, David, has now built two more hides and put in some pools at Cow Lane and the Summer Hide. Whilst the birds were not as plentiful as we had hoped, blue tits were in abundance. I find blue tits quite difficult to photograph as they seem to fly briefly to a perch before swooping…