Exhibition Acceptances and Awards 2015
Wrekin Salon November 2015 – FIAP Blue Badge Award
My results from the Wrekin Salon, where I was awarded the FIAP Blue Badge, are below:
I have not been entering photographic salons since earlier in the year, so it was a really lovely surprise to find out that I have been awarded the FIAP Blue Badge Award for the ‘Best Author in Exhibition’ at the Wrekin Salon* in my return to UK Internationals. The award is made to the photographer who has the highest number of works accepted into the exhibition…but not necessarily an author who has won top awards for individual pictures. To be awarded the badge, I had 13 images accepted from 16 entered, three of which won awards (two FIAP ribbons and one Highly Commended award). I will post the awarded images below, followed by a collage of the remaining 10 accepted images.
FIAP (Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique’ or English: The International Federation of Photographic Art), is an international organisation of national associations of photography of over 85 countries, comprising nearly one million individual photographers. Within the country members of FIAP, competitive photographic exhibitions are run under FIAP patronage, with panels of judges selecting a proportion of the work, those selected images forming the Exhibition. Entries are open to photographers from all over the world, amateur or professional. The Blue Badge is awarded to the entrant with the highest number of accepted images.
The awarded images, Wrekin

…and below is a collage of the remaining 10 acceptances:
German Mega Circuit 2015
These are the images which had one or multiple acceptances in the German Mega Circuit 2015.
Rushden 2015
Rushden has been a salon where I have been less successful over the years in having my work accepted…however, I was pleased that my 2 acceptances in 2013 became 4 acceptances in 2014 and this year I managed 8 acceptances and one award, so looking forward to 2016???
Great Barr Panels Exhibition 2015
I have never seen myself as a panel photographer – each image that I produce is processed as a stand-alone image. However, when a friend mentioned he had put in a lot of panels for this year’s Great Barr Panel competition, and being a little competitive (LOL), I decided to have a go.
I only had a couple of days to the deadline for entry, so had no time to make and mount print panels or to work on many new images – I also had to be careful that images accepted previously at Great Barr were not used again.
So, I spent all the next day agonising about what goes where with which and came up with an entry of 16 projected image panels pretty quickly (by which I mean “in a rush” and not “with ease”). I was therefore really delighted that 15 panels were accepted into the exhibition, with eight receiving awards. Here they are…
and Creative:
Neath Salon 2015
Four works were accepted at Neath.
South Birmingham Photo Salon 2015
Two images were accepted as folllows:
Basingstoke Open Exhibition of Photography 2015
In this BPE Exhibition I also had 12 image acceptances and was pleased to be awarded a Selector’s medal and two Highly Commended awards.
Vale of Evesham National Salon 2015
I was fortunate to have twelve images selected for this exhibition.
Clay Cross 2015
In this BPE Exhibition I received ten acceptances.
Southport Open Exhibition 2015
Fifteen images were selected for the Southport Open Exhibition and three received awards. Below are thumbnails of the acceptances.
Solihull 2015
Ten images were accepted and five awarded in the 2015 Solihull Open Exhibition.
Bebington Salon 2015
Thirteen images and three awards for me at the 2015 Bebington Salon. Pleased that one of the awards is for a new work, Woman in a White Dress.