
  • A Long Winter Take 2 -Tudor Style Portraits

    An update to my Long Winter blog earlier this month. Occupying my thoughts, for some time, has been my hope to set up a photographic studio permanently in my garage. That won’t be possible just yet, so I am carrying all the lighting equipment up to my living room and setting up there. Before Christmas I decided to make some Tudor clothing for Mike. I would stretch my sewing ability as well as my photography and Photoshop skills. I made a Tudor doublet and a “bonnet” style hat and the look was completed with a lace ruff bought on-line. Amazingly they fit perfectly. The first session of photographs was meant…

  • Lockdown Photography Round up of 2020

    As we come to the end of another year, how many of us could have foreseen, last Christmas, how 2020 would turn out? On the 9th March I did my last live photo-club judging, at Bramhall in Cheshire. That night I suggested that we bump elbows but, of course there’s always one or two who insist on giving the usual hug and kiss. We knew something was coming, but not how fast! I had already decided that I would cancel a talk on the 11th March, which would have been given to an audience of about 100 people…they were very good about it and re-scheduled for November (which of course…

  • 46th Smethwick International Exhibition Results

    I didn’t get around to entering any exhibitions last year, so this year I was lucky to have enough images to enter the Smethwick International, one of my favourites. This is in spite of a rather poor year in producing salon-type creative images, though a rather good year in developing my skills in nature photography. Smethwick was one of the first internationals where we were able to actually visit to see the prints on the wall. We have often travelled down in the snow and ice of the New Year to see the exhibition at the Old Schoolhouse and to meet up with friends…but this year, due to restrictions, it…

  • Posies

    I decided to make some posies of flowers out of a large arrangement that I have picked apart. They filled several small (and large) vases and I photographed the small bunches in the conservatory using natural light then added some textures to them to finish.

error: © Christine Widdall - Kirklees Cousins