Never Say Never
High speed flash photography challenge Something different! At my photographic society, we run a few challenges each year to persuade members out of their comfort zone. The challenge begins with a lecture on the subject, tutorial or demonstration, usually by one of our own members. A few weeks later, members present their examples at a meeting, where they are discussed and enjoyed in a non-competitive atmosphere. This high speed flash photography is the first challenge, over many years, when I have said “I won’t be doing that…not interested…can’t be bothered” and so on. Now I have to say “Never say never”, because I was one of only six members (plus…
Expert processing the traditional way
I was brought up processing pictures in the darkroom – and still remember the excitement of producing a print in the traditional way – though was never what you might call skilled in interpreting a picture, in those days, in the way I would aim to do now, in the digital era. For that reason, I was mightily impressed by an article that was brought to my attention this morning by a colleague in the L&CPU. The link shows iconic pictures that have been processed by Pablo Inirio, in the darkroom, a before and after shot with his processing “recipe”. It’s well worth a look – especially for those determined few who insist that…
Some toys encountered on photo-shoots in the last couple of weeks… and yes, the teddy was found there exactly like that.