• Le Weekend

    Last weekend’s photography started early Saturday morning. My friends, who know I am not an early riser, will be surprised that I was up just after 5 am and on the road, with two photographer friends, by 6 am. Our destination…the RSPB reserve at Bempton Cliffs on the North Yorkshire coast. Unfortunately, a few winding roads and a slightly foggy morning brought on my motion sickness and I spent most of the first hour sitting in the car in the car park, waiting for nausea to subside. Meanwhile, my friends went off in the fog to explore and came back with the bad news that the fog was very thick…

  • Burnet Moths

    Today I visited Strinesdale nature reserve with a friend, mainly looking for insects, in particular dragonflies. However, our main find was a small colony of five spot burnet moths, which we had fun chasing for an hour or so. These are a few of my favourites from the afternoon. There were so many similar shots that it was difficult to choose which I like best.

error: © Christine Widdall - Kirklees Cousins