
  • Media City and Salford Quays

    Salford Quays has been a favourite urban subject of mine for many years but, to my surprise this week, I discovered it’s five years since I visited the Quays for an evening of photography. This time, like the last, it was a trip out with friends and colleagues from the Oldham Photographic Society. About fifteen members turned out and we had a lovely social occasion, seeing each other “in the flesh” for the first time in sixteen months. The weather was warm and balmy and the light was pleasant, though not as dramatic as we had hoped. Nevertheless, it was a super evening and the area is always worth another…

  • Lockdown Photography Round up of 2020

    As we come to the end of another year, how many of us could have foreseen, last Christmas, how 2020 would turn out? On the 9th March I did my last live photo-club judging, at Bramhall in Cheshire. That night I suggested that we bump elbows but, of course there’s always one or two who insist on giving the usual hug and kiss. We knew something was coming, but not how fast! I had already decided that I would cancel a talk on the 11th March, which would have been given to an audience of about 100 people…they were very good about it and re-scheduled for November (which of course…

  • Don’t Photograph the Landscape

    Beginning Landscape Photography I have never been recognised as a landscape photographer and yet it was my first love and has always been my greatest love in photography. I had my confidence destroyed in early club competition, by judges who said or implied that I was not a landscape photographer and never would be until I got out before dawn. Otherwise, I might have specialised. When I was about 5 years old, my Dad first let me use the Leica that he had brought back from Germany after the war – he had been stationed in the Military Government in Hamburg. He obtained a Leica by trading cigarettes and other…

error: © Christine Widdall - Kirklees Cousins