
  • Southport Open BPE Salon 2021 and 2022

    2022 Just four accepted image this year. 2021 I don’t enter many salons these days but always like to support my local Southport Open BPE Exhibition, usually with an entry of both prints and digital images. This year, due to the “c-word restrictions” they were only able to run the digital version but I do look forward to entering prints again next year. The Exhibition reported its results about 4 weeks ago but I’ve just got around to properly looking at them and recording them. I was very pleased to have 10 images accepted into the exhibition in monochrome, colour and nature…see below.

  • Big Garden Bird Watch

    On the run up to the last weekend in January, with the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch imminent, many of my social media bird watching friends were warning that most garden birds seem to mysteriously disappear in the weekend of counting…so when I spotted the long tailed tits in number on the Friday, I decided to start my count then. As it happened, the Sunday would have been the better day with lots more LTTs and twelve goldfinches, but anyway, it didn’t matter – I had already reported my 16 species. The RSPB only display your top ten species on the graph, so they left off some of my more…

  • High Speed Flash – Droplet Photography

    …A little further up the learning curve… After a few days to think about what I learned in last week’s high speed flash challenge (see “Never say never high speed water drop challenge”), I decided that I needed a Mariotte bottle before having another try. The Mariotte bottle has an air inlet tube and a siphon tube. The distance between the bottom of the air inlet tube and the lower end of the siphon tube gives the “head” of liquid, which controls the exit pressure, enabling a constant rate of flow of the droplets, whilst allowing the exit pressure to be changed by increasing or decreasing the head (raising or…

error: © Christine Widdall - Kirklees Cousins