Fine Weather Photos
Nature diary for the first week of July
We are late with the start of summer in Saddleworth! The first week of July and of Wimbledon proved unusually fine and sunny. At last our weigela, hebe and kolkwitzia bushes are in flower. The garden is attracting bees, wasps and hoverflies in some number.
(If you only want to see the pictures, click on the bee then you can cycle through all the images as a single slide show).
A little garden cross spider has built a web in the lavender patch, which is just coming into flower. While I was watching it wrap up a tiny bug that it had snared in its web, a bee suddenly became entangled nearby. I just managed a couple of shots, as the spider rushed towards it, but the bee managed to escape.
A male yellow dung fly has taken up residence and can sometimes be seen perched on a spotted laurel. I haven’t seen his mate, if he has one.
On other sites nearby, I’ve found some more subjects over the past week, including a harlequin ladybird emerging from its pupa, a forest shield bug, a golden bloomed longhorn beetle and five spot burnet moth. Enjoy the weather while it lasts.