Exhibition Acceptances and Awards 2014
Frome Salon 2014
Coming back from the disappointment of the Dingwall Salon, to receive four awards at Frome, including 2 selector’s first place awards and a silver medal. Unusually for me, only one third of the images are “creative (created!)”.
Dingwall 2014
Only Amy, Ensemble and Profile were selected from an entry of 12 and they are all straight images, so it makes this my worst result of the year. All my top 2014 images bombed! I had a similar result from Dingwall last year, so it looks as if creative images are not well received there.
Yorkshire Salon 2014
This is the first Yorkshire Salon and is a FIAP International, with altered reality, nature and open sections. I received 8 acceptances and a Hon mention for “Naughty and Nice”
Guernsey Salon 2014
Shrewsbury National Salon 2014
My 193rd salon entered since 2002 and 8 images accepted with the following five awards:
Naughty and Nice – 2nd row, left – PAGB Silver Medal, selector’s choice
Amy – top right – PAGB ribbon
Profile – top left – PAGB ribbon
Demonised – bottom right – BPE ribbon
Rise of the dark Angel – 3rd row, left – BPE ribbon
Swansea International Exhibition 2014
Accepted and awarded images:
Great Barr 2014
Accepted and awarded images:
RPS International Images for Screen 2014
This is the first time I have entered the RPS Exhibition, so was very pleased to win the PSA Gold Medal for Creative work plus ribbons for “Rise of the Dark Angel” and “Naughty and Nice”. Especially pleased to have my “Damselfly with Prey” accepted, the first time out.
Acceptances and Awards Beyond Group Photographic Salon 2014
“Defender” was Commended
Acceptances and Awards 3rd South Devon Salon 2014
The images below were accepted in the 3rd South Devon Salon.
“RISE OF THE DARK ANGEL” Medal – FIAP Gold – Best Fantasy
“NAUGHTY AND NICE” Medal – Silver
“DANSE D’AMOUR” Honourable Mention
Gallery: click to enlarge
Acceptances and Awards Midland Salon 2014
The pictures in the Midland Salon set below will enlarge on click to show a gallery. I was very pleased to have 15 out of my 16 entries accepted and seven awards.
“The Collector” was awarded a FIAP Gold Medal
“Rise of the Dark Angel” was awarded a FIAP Silver Medal
“Naughty and Nice” was awarded a FIAP Ribbon
“Danse D’amour” was awarded a UPI Ribbon
“Memories” was awarded a Highly commended
“Sweet Sorrow” was awarded a Highly commended
“Joker” was awarded a Highly commended
Gallery: click to enlarge
Acceptances and Awards Salon International Photographique “Le Catalan”
My recent return to FIAP exhibitions abroad has paid off with a good set of results from Le Catalan in Perpignan, South of France. My twelve accepted images are shown below. I also received a FIAP Gold medal for “Naughty and Nice” and was also awarded a Trophy Le Catalan for being winner of the Open Colour Section…I presume that is for the highest aggregate score in the section. That’s nice 😉
The scoring is not clear, but seems to have been a voting system where an average mark is taken for the accepted works. I had another six entries that came within 0.6 of the accepted mark, so a “nice” result all round.
Here are the accepted works:

Accepted Images 3rd Danube International Exhibition, Serbia
Nine acceptances in the 3rd Danube Exhibition, 2 in “Water” section, 2 “Colour”, 2 “Mono”, 2 “Nature”
and 1 “Photojournalism”.

Accepted Images 3rd International Exhibition of Photography – Photo emotion 2014 – Banjaluka

Accepted Images 2nd Swiss International “Photo Contest 2014”
Accepted Images GDPU 2014
Accepted Images Robin Hood 2014
Accepted Images Rushden 2014
Accepted Images Neath Salon 2014
Accepted Images Scottish Salon 2014
Accepted images Vale of Evesham Exhibition 2014
Basingstoke BPE Exhibition 2014
Pleased with 10 acceptances in this section, though four of my mono images were marked down for being in the wrong section 🙁 Note to self to be more careful in future! More new images given a trial and happy to see acceptances with them.
101st Southampton International Exhibition
100% acceptance with four entries to this salon and one SCC Certificate for Danse d’Amour on its first time out. Happy about that.
Clay Cross BPE Salon 2014
Bristol International Salon 2014
Port Talbot International Salon 2014
Bebington Salon 2014
To start the year, eight acceptances from Bebington.