Persephone and the Pomegranate

I am now six weeks into my AI experience and have found so many other enthusiasts, mostly among my photographer friends, who are taking an interest themselves. For sure, this activity around the creation of art is quite absorbing and I have become more adept at choosing the language that will allow the AI generator to achieve the images that I want to produce. Like any other tool, you need to work with it or the results can be quite disappointing. In many cases I have also imported the generated images from AI into Photoshop, where I have post-processed them, as I would process a photograph, in my own style. I have taken out unwanted items, generated extra fill, extended the images etc, so the finished artworks have undergone as much post processing as my photographic images would.

I have decided to separate my AI images from my photography and so, from now, I am using my Flickr account for AI, which can be accessed at this link. If you are interested to follow my adventures in AI, please head over there afterwards. First, though, here is a taste of what I have been doing lately.


After being abducted by Hades, Persephone is tempted to eat some pomegranate seeds, which binds her to him, as his bride, to live in the Underworld for the winter months, but allows her to return to live with her mother, Demeter, for each spring and summer.

Each year, as the pomegranate fruits ripen and the shades of the Underworld gather to return her to Hades, Persephone picks a fruit to take with her.

The pomegranate also symbolises fertility and there are lots of variations on the myth of Persephone if you want to explore it further.

The Pre-Raphaelites painted various aspects of the Persephone story and I have been inspired by them to create these images to illustrate the story. I hope you enjoy looking at them.


I have been rather inundated with requests from people who want to buy prints, which is very flattering. I have upsized most of the the images and indeed they make a fine print quality but I am not offering them for sale at the moment. If I change my mind, I will notify here and on facebook. So, meanwhile, please enjoy them for what they are.

error: © Christine Widdall - Kirklees Cousins