Christmas Garden Birds

Oh my, have we had some bad weather up here! We’ve had such a lot of dark midwinter weather, rain, wind and precious few days with any bright light to speak of. Consequently, my bird photography has been very hit and miss for a few weeks…in fact, all the birds disappeared from the garden for about three weeks in November…and I can only suppose that there were berries enough and to spare on the many hawthorn and holly bushes around here and possibly lots of seeds in the fields next to our house. Then suddenly they all returned and with hearty appetites too…so, we’re back in business.
Then, two weeks before Christmas we had a light fall of snow, just enough to lay down a couple of centimetres…and gone almost as quickly as it arrived, but just enough to provide a robin for my Christmas wishes to everyone. It’s Boxing Day, so hopefully not too late to wish everyone season’s greetings and a hope for a better 2021.
The gallery shows a few more winter birds from December. Enjoy!