Guernsey Milk Can
It’s not often I photograph an award, but the Guernsey Milk Can award is something just a bit out of the ordinary – in fact it’s rather special! The Guernsey Milk Can is unique to Guernsey and has been made there by local craftsmen for over 1000 years, pre-dating the Norman Conquest and was in use until the first half of the 20th century. It is said to have been brought to the island with cattle from Normandy about 980 AD. The shape of the can prevents too much spillage of the milk in transit and the can is made from copper.
Each year, the salon judge awards a small copper milk can for the best image in each category and one can for the overall winning image. This year I was awarded a can for “The Joker”, in the colour portrait section. The Judge was Barbie Lindsay, of Beyond Group. Other acceptances are on the Exhibitions Page.